Kloss Encounter with the Kiwis

One persons view of working as a locum GP in the middle of the ocean.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Rugby saves the day

I don't know if anyone's been paying attention to the uprising that's been going on in Fiji recently, but it's big news over here. Mainly because they called upon Winston Peters, the New Zealand Foreign Affairs Minister, to mediate talks between the Army commander and the current Fijian Prime Minister. Despite everyone's best attempts, the military still decided they would stage a coup on this past Friday in an attempt to overthrow the current government. Start time was intended for high noon. Unable to access the news during the day at work, I waited with baited breath for word of the uprising. When 5 o'clock came around and still no word I began to wonder if some miraculous negotiation had occurred. Oh no, the coup was simply delayed because of the yearly rugby match between the Army and the Police Force. After all, if the Fiji military was mounting a political uprising, how could they help defend their annual title? Ah, you gotta love the love of rugby.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah for rugby - the Bath pitch is just a few blocks away and I love to watch the matches! I am totally hooked!

Hope you are well, Jenn!

11:20 AM  

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